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Pet Massage Testimonials

"Before Susan began massage sessions with my 12 year old Cairn Terrier Gladys, her health was in rapid decline and she would not walk more than a few steps from her bed.  She was vomiting and appeared to be in pain.  Veterinarians were having difficulty diagnosing her condition.  She gradually lost interest in eating and was eventually diagnosed with hepatitis and liver disease.  Soon after her diagnosis she stopped eating entirely and appetite stimulants were no longer working.   

Susan did a distant energy healing session with her and also shared techniques that I could do at home to help her.  After the first distance session she immediately perked up and was able to get out of her bed.   Susan then began giving Gladys massages on a weekly basis.  She has had a complete turnaround and her veterinarian is astonished.  She is happy, more mobile, no longer disoriented, and eating normally again.

Susan's pet massage was able to help Gladys when her medicine was not working as well as we had hoped.  Due to the massage Gladys is no longer taking six pills a day or needing appetite stimulants to eat.  It also has not been necessary to make return visits to the vet for the condition, just for check-ups.  I truly believe Gladys would not be alive today without Susan's distance healing and pet massage and I am eternally grateful.  I highly recommend her for distance healing and massage sessions with your pet."
- Elizabeth Martindale

"Susan has been doing Pet Massage sessions almost weekly for the past year on my Border Collie Mitch who just turned 16.  I’ve had him since he was a pup so he’s obviously very dear to me.  Over the past year, Mitch has had his ups and downs and I know the massage sessions with Susan has helped keep the downs to a minimum. The sessions with her have helped reduce his pain and have kept him as agile as possible for a 16 year old.  I don’t believe he would still be with me and would not have been as comfortable this past year if Susan had not been working with him.  Not only do I feel like Susan is exceptional at her craft, but also that she is a warm, kind and extremely trustworthy person."  - Jon Massing

Update: "My dear Mitch recently crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. While it is difficult to lose him, I feel good knowing Susan's work with him helped him to be as comfortable as possible until it was time for him to go."  JM

Wright Vibes
Energy Healing Awareness

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